Here we answer some frequently asked questions about investment and stockholding in ICTSI.

What is ICTSI's total number of shares issued?

ICTSI capital stock is comprised of Common and Preferred shares.  Common shares are listed and traded in the Philippine Stock Exchange.  Preferred shares, comprising of Preferred A and B shares, are not traded.  The Common shares and Preferred B shares have voting rights.  As of December 31, 2024, the total number of issued and outstanding Common shares is 2,027,215,203, net of 17,962,468 treasury shares.  The total number of issued and outstanding Preferred A shares and Preferred B shares are 3,800,000 and 700,000,000, respectively. 

What is ICTSI's total market capitalization?

As of December 31, 2024, ICTSI's total market capitalization is Php782.51 billion (approximately USD 13.53 billion at a USD:Php exchange rate of 57.845).

What is the company's dividend policy?

Dividends may be declared only out of the unrestricted retained earnings. A board resolution is required for declaration of dividends. In addition, approval of stockholders representing at least two-thirds of the outstanding capital stock is required for the payment of stock dividends. 

Dividends are payable to all common stockholders, on the basis of outstanding shares held by them, each share being entitled to the same unit of dividend as any other share. Dividends are payable to stockholders whose names are recorded in the stock and transfer book as at the record date fixed by the Board. Preferred A shareholders are entitled to dividends at rates to be fixed by the Board. As at December 31, 2024, the Board has not set the dividend rate for Preferred A shares. On the other hand, Preferred B shareholders shall earn no dividends.

For more details on declared dividends, please visit Dividends page.

How much are the Company's total assets?

As of December 31, 2024, ICTSI's total assets are valued at USD7.65 billion.

What is ICTSI's total debt level? What is the gearing ratio?

As of December 31, 2024, the Group's total indebtedness was USD2.65 billion and its total indebtedness to total equity ratio (interest-bearing debt over total equity was 1.45 times, providing head room for future financial leverage.

What is the maturity profile of ICTSI's loans?

Long term loans comprise of 94% of total loans.  Of the USD2.47 billion long term loans, 17% will be due in 2025, 10% will be due in 2026 and 73% will be due in 2027 onwards. 

What is ICTSI's total debt mix in terms of floating and fixed interest rates?

Of the USD2.65 billion total debt as of December 31, 2024, 94% are on fixed interest rates and 6% are on floating interest rates.

What is the breakdown in currency of ICTSI's total debt?

Of the USD2.65 billion total debt as of December 31, 2024, 82% are in USD and the rest in Australian Dollar (AUD), Japanese Yen (JPY), Philippine Peso (Php), Papua New Guinea Kina (PGK), Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), Brazilian Real (BRL) and Nigerian Naira (NGN).  

What is the percentage contribution of ICTSI's port operations in the Americas, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), and Asia to total volume and revenue?
54% 19% 27%
42% 19% 39%

 *For full year 2024

How much is ICTSI's projected capex and how will this be financed?

Capital expenditures, excluding capitalized borrowing costs, amounted to US$517.14 million in 2024. These were mainly utilized for the completion of phase 3A expansion in Contecon Manzanillo S.A. (CMSA), Manzanillo, Mexico, the berth extension in ICTSI Rio, Brazil, new equipment and development in the recently acquired terminal in VCT, Iloilo, Philippines and the new container terminal in East Java Multipurpose Terminal (EJMT), Lamongan, Indonesia.  Included in the 2024 capital expenditures as well were the ongoing expansions at Manila International Container Terminal (MICT), Philippines and ICTSI DR Congo S.A. (IDRC), Matadi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), together with the payment of the last tranche of concession extension related expenditures in Madagascar, equipment acquisitions and upgrades, and asset maintenance requirements.  In addition, the Group accelerated the phase 3B expansion in CMSA, Manzanillo, Mexico, and went ahead with the initial capital expenditures on the new project in Batangas, Philippines that was announced during the year.  Excluding these additional projects, total 2024 capital expenditure would have amounted to US$441.70 million, equivalent to 98 percent of the estimated 2024 budget. 

The Group’s estimated capital expenditures for 2025 is approximately US$580 million.  The estimated capital expenditure will be utilized mainly for the continued development of the new project in Batangas, Philippines, phase 3B expansion in CMSA, Manzanillo, Mexico, expansion of MICT, Manila, Philippines, and IDRC, Matadi, DRC; new expansion projects at ICTSI Rio, Brazil and Mindanao Container Terminal, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines; various other equipment acquisitions and upgrades; and maintenance capex.