CMSA grants scholarships to Manzanillo students

CMSA CEO José Antonio Contreras congratulates one of the 17 student-beneficiaries of the Contecon Excellence Scholarship program. He is joined by Colima Governor Indira Vizcaino (far left)
Contecon Manzanillo (CMSA) granted scholarships to seventeen students in the municipality of Manzanillo for their exceptional performance during the 2021-2022 school year.
José Antonio Contreras, CMSA chief executive officer, led the awarding ceremony on 8 July and congratulated the students for maintaining their focus on their studies despite the challenges of the pandemic. Colima Governor Indira Vizcaino also attended the ceremony.
“Supporting girls and boys in their education is a commitment and pride for Contecon Manzanillo. Having the opportunity to contribute in a real and direct way to society is enormously exciting and rewarding,” said Mr. Contreras.