CMSA names CSR Committee

Contecon Manzanillo (CMSA) announced the formation of its Corporate Social Responsibility Committee last 14 April.
Comprised of employees from various departments, the committee was established to promote CSR communication and encourage stronger support among employees for CMSA’s CSR initiatives.
The committee members are Francisco Santana from CSR, Lisset Avalos and Nayeli Osorio from Maintenance, Barbara Martinez and Sandra Alcaraz from HR, Jesús Villa and Mariano Rodelas from IT, Cristian Pérez from Finance, Lester Contreras from Commercial, Jorge Patiño from Training, Barbara Luna from Operations, Aurora Salas from Industrial Security and Kristian Camacho from Nomination. Their primarily role is to promote the Company’s regular CSR activities and motivate colleagues from their respective departments to participate in these events.
On 30 April, members of the CSR Committee participated in the Children’s Day celebrations at the Las Brisas community. Aside from supporting the event activities, CMSA also provided gifts to more than 200 children in the community.