Contecon Manzanillo obtains ESR 2022 badge

Contecon Manzanillo is honored to be among the recipients of the ESR 2022 Badge after meeting the standards set by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, A.C. (CEMEFI) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility.
The ESR badge is conferred yearly to leading companies in their sector for their commitment to integrate socio-environmental value into their operations. To qualify, each company undergoes an audit based on indicators aligned with representative national and international initiatives on CSR issues. Results are reviewed and endorsed annually by a committee of experts in the different CSR areas.
Announcing this year’s recipients of the ESR badge last February, CEMEFI said it welcomes “the great effort that has been made by more than 900 large companies operating in Mexico to promote social responsibility, managing to have a positive impact on the development and sustainability of our country.”
Contecon Manzanillo will receive the distinction for the third consecutive year since 2020 in a virtual awarding ceremony during the XV Latin American Meeting of Socially Responsible Companies from May 31 to June 2.