DENR cites ICTSI Foundation for environmental efforts

Dr. Patricia M. Licup (third from left), ICTSI Foundation Training Program Head, accepts the award from Jacqueline A. Caancan (second, from left), DENR-NCR Regional Executive Director.
The Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – National Capital Region recently recognized the ICTSI Foundation for being one of the agency's staunch partners in environmental protection and management at the inaugural MANILABAYanihan Stakeholder Partnership Recognition Ceremony.
The DENR cited the Foundation for the latter’s environmental conservation efforts and initiatives for the Manila Bay Rehabilitation Program, which aims to restore the water quality of the Manila Bay in accordance with the Writ of Continuing Mandamus of the Supreme Court.
One of the Foundation’s contributions to the program is raising environmental awareness among various stakeholders through environmental education. The Foundation conducts information, education and communication (IEC) campaigns through seminars, webinars and workshops on environment protection and conservation for residents of ICTSI host communities, and teachers and students in various public schools in Metro Manila. The Foundation also conducts these activities upon request of other local government units.
Aside from the IECs and the Parola Solid Waste Management Project, the Foundation’s current environmental initiatives include the plastic waste-to-fuel project in partnership with RiverRecycle and the ballast water treatment project in partnership with the Diliman Science Foundation, Inc. These are all aimed at strengthening the overall efforts to protect the Manila Bay from further pollution.