ICTSI Sustainability Champions Honored at Inaugural Edify Awards


International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) unveiled a new milestone in its sustainability journey with the launch of its inaugural Edify Awards last 22 July.

The Edify Awards aims to recognize sustainability champions across the ICTSI Group for their outstanding performance on sustainability reporting. The program also cites terminals and business units for their contributions to the Group’s environment, society, governance and sustainability initiatives, with the goal of encouraging other employees and business units to follow suit. 

Taking the top honors for the inaugural awards are Information Security Global Director Kum Chai Shin, and Senior Tax Manager Atty. Maria Carmelita Torres. Ms. Shin earned the Best Global Sustainability Champion for her work on information technology governance and data privacy disclosures in the report, besting Joy Lapuz of the ICTSI Foundation, Atty. Michael Alcazar of Global Legal, Maricel Laud-Batallier of Global Treasury and Investor Relations, and Marvin Nalica of Global HSSE.
Noted for her work on tax disclosures, Atty. Torres was recognized as the Most Improved Global Sustainability Champion. Also nominated for the award were Camille Julianne Martinez of Global Procurement, Nathan Clarke of Global Engineering – Infrastructure and Project Management, and Johan Swart of Global Engineering – Equipment Maintenance.
The finalists for the Best Terminal Environmental, Social and Governance Initiatives were also named. Under the Best Environmental Initiatives category, Contecon Guayaquil is nominated for being certified as the first carbon-neutral port in Latin America; Victoria International Container Terminal for its eco-friendly wash bay for automatic container carriers; Tecon Suape for its diesel oil catalyzer; Baltic Container Terminal for servicing vessels that support wind energy projects; and Matadi Gateway Terminal for supporting primate conservation efforts in D.R. Congo.

For Best Social Initiatives, ICTSI Rio is in the running for its new multimodal service of consolidated import cargo bound for Minas Gerais, along with Pakistan International Container Terminal, Contecon Manzanillo and TecPlata for their various employee, customer and community welfare initiatives. 

Finally, Pakistan International Container Terminal and Adriatic Gate Container Terminal, with their various governance awards, and Manila International Container Terminal, for its various digitalization efforts, are competing for the Best Governance Initiatives category. 

The winners will be announced during the Chairman’s Cup awarding ceremony in March next year. 
“A lot still has to be done to fully embed ESG into the ICTSI Group’s culture, but we are making good and steady progress. Embedding ESG into company values and employee communications helps to ensure that it is part of the strategic direction and demonstrates to stakeholders an ICTSI Group-wide ESG commitment,” said ICTSI ESG Committee Chairman former Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta, who recognized the role of sustainability reporting in the Company’s efforts to address emerging ESG issues, with environmental and human capital management as the ESG committee’s priority for this year. 

Kum Chai Shin, Best Global Sustainability Champion


Atty. Maria Carmelita Torres,
Most Improved Global Sustainability Champion


Organized by the Sustainability Steering Committee composed of Investor Relations, Legal and Public Relations departments, the Edify Awards also marks the start of the Group’s 2022 sustainability reporting cycle. From last year’s coverage of 30 terminals, the next report will cover all the organic operating terminals in the ICTSI Group. 
