MIT celebrates Safety Day

Safety Day activities at MIT
Employees of Motukea International Container Terminal (MIT) and their families took part in safety-oriented activities as part of the company’s annual Safety Day event last 20 August.
Employees and their family members were grouped into five teams for activities that aim to increase awareness of the Fatal 5 Safety Risks¬: control of contractors, stored energy, transportation, suspended loads & lifting and working at heights.
"These exercises were meant to give our employees and visitors a clear understanding of the different hazards and risks to be aware of when at work. We included our employees’ family members in these activities to reinforce the importance of safety not only inside the terminal but also in their homes and communities,” explained Robert Maxwell, MIT chief executive officer.
Mr. Maxwell added: “For MIT, safety is a journey, a mindset and a behavior other than just a set of rules within the company premises and areas of work. We want our employees to feel safe at work. We make sure our safety procedures and level meet international standards of terminal operations.”