OPC cited for security excellence

Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC) has been cited by the Honduran National Port Protection Commission (CNPP) for excellence in security and port protection in compliance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
The recognition was conferred following the Guide on Maritime Protection and the ISPS Code seminar facilitated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) from 18 to 22 July at Cristiana Evangélica Nuevo Milenio in San Pedro Sula.
OPC maintains the Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) certification, which focuses on physical security and guarantees protection inside the terminal, which it first received in 2014. In August 2020, OPC received recertification that complies with the provisions of Chapter XI-2 of the SOLAS Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.
Valid until March 2025, the certification empowers Puerto Cortés to operate as an international safe harbor. It also verifies the port’s compliance with the regulations established by the IMO, under PBIP regulations, and periodically audited by the CNPP. Under these rules, ships that sail in international waters and dock at OPC are allowed to facilitate entry operations to other certified ports, especially in the United States.
Operating a modern port demands the highest standards of quality, industrial and physical safety, as well as care for the environment. OPC has adopted safety as one of its core values and helped establish Puerto Cortés as one of the safest ports in the world and the most efficient in Central America.