OPC handles its largest ship

The CMA CGM vessel Mary at Puerto Cortés’ Pier 6. Equipped with a pair of super post-Panamax quay cranes and with a draft of 14 meters, Puerto Cortés is the lone port in the North Atlantic capable of receiving large ships.
Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC) achieved a milestone last December for handling the 6,972-TEU Mary, the highest capacity vessel to call Puerto Cortes.
The CMA CGM vessel arrived from Europe to serve as the primary “mainliner” service of the shipping company and to improve the flow of cargo in the region’s main ports.
Despite the challenges caused by the pandemic, OPC has managed to solidify its position as an excellent choice for cargo consolidation. The supply chain in Puerto Cortés remains healthy, allowing import and export cargo to flow normally.
OPC continues to operate 24/7 and with 45 percent utilization, the terminal is fully capable of absorbing additional volumes from the region.