PICT, Pakistan Armed Forces partner for flood relief efforts

PICT turns over supplies to the military for distribution to families displaced by recent flooding
Pakistan International Container Terminal is working with Pakistan’s Armed Forces to aid citizens affected by what is considered the worst flooding in the country’s history.
Through the collaboration, PICT supports state institutions and strengthens front liners as they ease the difficulties being faced by millions of flood survivors. The company understands the needs of its countrymen and is taking steps to help communities.
“Our nation is going through a difficult time as millions are displaced after losing their homes and livelihood to the worst flooding in our history. We, at PICT, are making joint efforts with the state for nationwide relief efforts and doing our part in alleviating the hardships of our countrymen. We hope to see them return to normal livable conditions” said Khurram Aziz Khan, PICT chief executive officer.