Tecon Suape recognized for good environmental practice

Tecon Suape CEO Javier Ramirez received the Friend of the Ocean Seal during the awarding ceremony on November 29
Tecon Suape was recently awarded the Friend of the Ocean Seal by the Port of Suape in recognition of the company’s good environmental practices leading to sustainable operations.
The Friend of the Ocean seal is part of the global initiatives for sustainable development and approved by the United Nations General Assembly. Given for the first time, the seal recognizes terminals at the Port of Suape that comply with applicable environmental legislation and practice responsible environmental measures.
For its part, Tecon Suape has been fully committed to its environmental responsibilities since starting operations at the Port of Suape. The recognition further reaffirms the proactive measures being taken by the company towards making its operation sustainable in line with the United Nation’s 2030 agenda, particularly the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources.