BGT supports mask-making start-up

Basra Gateway Terminal, the largest container terminal in Iraq, continues to support the local community throughout the pandemic as part of its commitment to help build a sustainable future for Umm Qasr.  

Assisting local small businesses, the Company is working with a group of women in Umm Qasr who initiated a start-up project to create cloth mask. Most of these women are either unemployed or widowed and have no basic income. With a shortage of masks in the market because of the pandemic, they decided to step up and create cloth masks to support their families. 

“I feel so blessed to be able to provide for my family,” said one of the women to a BGT employee as the former sat by her sewing machine. BGT is providing these women with the cloth material for the customized masks, which will be distributed to customers and employees. 

“We want to empower the people of Umm Qasr, especially women, and inspire them to look for opportunities like this to support themselves and their families,” said Phillip Marsham, BGT Chief Executive Officer. 

He adds: “This is more than business. This is about keeping our communities safe – and making these masks is a way for many of these women to help their families while giving back to the community.”