Customers commend BGT for exemplary service

Basra Gateway Terminal continues to consolidate its position as the most favorable terminal in Iraq by offering superior customer service and operational performance.

The Company recently received a pair of commendation letters from two of its top consignees for service that exceeded customer expectations. 

In one of the letters, the customer thanked every member of the stripping and operations team for their professionalism and outstanding work in completing the stripping and delivery of 150 containers within 24 hours. During this operation on 1 March, BGT set a stripping speed record while still maintaining the highest safety standards.

In the other letter, the customer also commended BGT’s operations team for the fast stripping and delivery of 50 reefer containers in less than the usual three-day delivery period.

BGT’s high level of performance and topnotch service have paved the way for a competitive market environment that exceeds customer expectations. The terminal’s productivity levels, as highlighted by these commendation letters, ties in with BGT’s continuing efforts to develop its manpower from the ground up to ensure continuous and sustainable growth in the face of the current global challenges.

 Container stripping at BGT