ICTSI Ecuador earns ISO carbon neutrality certificate

Contecon Guayaquil S.A. (CGSA), the Ecuadorian subsidiary of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI), recently obtained the ISO 14064-3:2006 international certification for carbon neutrality,after a rigorous verification and audit process carried out  by TÜV Rheinland.

The certification, which marks CGSA’s compliance to ISO 14064 standards, lauds the company’s policies that are directed and translated towards greater sustainability initiatives, as well as the incorporation of technologies that reduce the operation’s impact on Ecuador’s largest and premier maritime gateway.

TÜV Rheinland certified that CGSA compensated for 32,762 tons of carbon dioxide from 1 January to 31 December 2017, based on the 2016 Emissions Inventory corresponding to the Annual Carbon Capture Report of the “Bosques del Área Ecológica de Conservación Municipal Tinajillas - Río Gualaceño y áreas de manglar de Cerrito de los Morreños,” thus demonstrating the company’s faithful commitment to the environment.

“This international certification reflects our effort to establish policies that guarantee sustainable action in favor of the environment through sustainable practices that counteract any polluting emission from the port terminal,” said Jose Antonio Contreras, CGSA Chief Executive Officer.

As part of the audit, an analysis was conducted to check the terminal’s carbon data and emissions. Finally, it was verified that CGSA has and continues to sponsor the protection and conservation of the country’s large tracts of intact natural forests.

This is the second time that Contecon obtained a certification for its compliance to ISO standards on greenhouse gases. In 2018, ratings agency Sambito and the Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment presented the “Carbon Neutral” certification to the company, in recognition of its strong and priority work with the environment.


Carbon neutral port. Contecon Guayaquil SArecently obtained the ISO 14064-3:2006 international certification for carbon neutrality,after a rigorous verification and audit process carried out by TÜV Rheinland. José Antonio Contreras, Chief Executive Officer of Contecon Guayaquil S.A hands over the citation received by the Company to  Raúl Ledesma, Ecuadorian Minister of Environment.


Contecon Guayaquil SA, ICTSI’s terminal in Guayas, Ecuador



About CGSA
In March 2007, ICTSI was awarded by the port authority of Guayaquil, Autoridad Portuario de Guayaquil (APG), a 20-year operating concession for the Container and Multipurpose Terminals in Guayaquil, Ecuador.  Later in May, a contract was formally signed between APG and Contecon Guayaquil SA, ICTSI’s local operating unit. The terminal handles containerized, general and bulk cargo. (www.cgsa.com.ec)
Headquartered and established in 1988 in Manila, Philippines, International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) is in the business of port development, management and operations.  As an independent business with no shipping, logistics or consignee-related interests, ICTSI works and transacts transparently with any stakeholder in the port community. ICTSI’s portfolio of terminals and projects spans developed and emerging market economies in the Asia Pacific, the Americas, and Europe, the Middle East and Africa. ICTSI has received global acclaim for its public-private partnerships with governments divesting of their port assets to the private sector. (www.ictsi.com)