ICTSI Manila new equipment continues to lessen emissions

International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) continues its push for environmentally sustainable technology in its operations with the recent delivery of eight new hybrid rubber-tired gantries (RTG) for its flagship Manila International Container Terminal (MICT). Manufactured by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. (MES) of Japan, the Mitsui Li-ion Hybrid RTGs are expected to reduce emissions by more than 50 percent compared to the previous RTGs at the country’s largest and most important international trading gateway. Photo shows one of the RTG on arrival and being discharged at the MICT.







About Manila International Container Terminal
In 1988, International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) won the 25 + 25 years concession to operate the Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) in an international tender. Since ICTSI’s takeover, MICT has increased its annual capacity five-fold, expanded its container handling fleet to make it the largest and most modern container terminal in the Philippines, and switched from a manual control system to an integrated real-time IT terminal control system. MICT is ICTSI’s flagship operation. (www.mict.com.ph)