NorthPort wins 2020 Chairman’s Cup with pandemic operating strategy
Manila North Harbor Port (NorthPort), the Philippine’s domestic gateway that links the country’s capital with the rest of the archipelago via passenger and inter-island container transport, is the winner of the annual 2020 Chairman’s Cup.
In what has been a tough past year for the global economy, NorthPort managed to outperform the rest of the ICTSI Group despite a double-digit drop in volume driven by the shift of substantial container volume from ship gears to more efficient quay cranes, and significant reduction in operating expenses. The shift was essential during the pandemic to ensure the safest environment possible for NorthPort’s economic frontline staff and the need to ensure that operations continued uninterrupted despite the national lockdowns.
Joining NorthPort in the winners’ circle are co-runners-up Adriatic Gate Container Terminal, cited for handling increased volume in a flat market and well-managed operating expenses, and Pakistan International Container Terminal, which managed to grow its volumes in a market with excess capacity.
Three honorable mentions were also named starting with Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT) for the continued turnaround of its operations that resulted in substantial growth in volume and the continued reduction in losses compared to the previous year. Manila International Container Terminal and Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana, on the other hand, were given the Best Opex Management Award for having the highest permanent operating expenses savings that resulted in improvement in EBITDA margins.
Held every March, the Chairman’s Cup recognizes the terminals in the ICTSI Group that demonstrates superior performance in the preceding year.

2020 Chairman’s Cup winners: NorthPort (Champion), Adriatic Gate Container Terminal and Pakistan International Container Terminal (co-runners-up), Victoria International Container Terminal (Honorable Mention), Manila International Container Terminal (Best Opex Management), and Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (Best Opex Management)