PICT pays tribute to frontline healthcare workers

Pakistan International Container Terminal organized a tribute for doctors and the entire medical community at the Karachi Health Office in recognition of their valiant role in the fight against COVID-19.

PICT presented certificates of appreciation and bouquet to doctors and other members of the healthcare community to honor their continuing sacrifices. Since the onset of the pandemic, healthcare professionals have been on their toes taking care of COVID patients as well as providing huge support for PICT employees and their families. 

“We at PICT put people first in everything we do. Our doctors and the medical community in general have been facing unprecedented challenges, being the frontline warriors against COVID-19. This tribute is our simple way of saying thank you, and that we pledge our unequivocal support as they continue to work for the good of society during this health crisis,” said Khurram Aziz Khan, PICT Chief Executive.