Three years after commencing operations in Papua New Guinea, International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) has successfully transformed the ports of Lae and Motukea into high-performing gateways. The PNG Ports Corporation Limited granted ICTSI a 25-year concession in 2017 to manage and op…
As global trade continues to reel from the effects of COVID-19, the Port of Melbourne (PoM) sees signs of optimism with the arrival of CMA CGM Ural–the largest capacity container vessel to dock in Melbourne. The 299-meter long vessel made its maiden call to PoM in June 25, and was handled by Victor…
The Port of Rijeka Authority and Nuova Co.Ed.Mar. S.r.l. recently signed the contract for the dredging alongside Adriatic Gate Container Terminal’s (AGCT) south berth, which will equalize the depth across the 428-meter section of the terminal’s 600-meter operative quay. One of seven major infrastru…
The Manila International Container Terminal donated wooden pallets to Gat San Andres Hospital in Tondo to support the hospital’s COVID-19 efforts.  The wooden pallets were repurposed into floorings of the makeshift isolation tents for suspected COVID-19 cases.  The donation was facilitated by Eloida…
The Management of Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) commends the honesty of prime mover operator Jerwin Arce, who surrendered a missing wallet containing cash and identification cards to the MICT Safety Department.  The wallet was returned to Glien Tomacles, a truck driver from Inland T…
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced drastic changes to the modern workplace, making workers more vulnerable to mental and psychological stress.  To help employees navigate through these changes, Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) started conducting virtual motivational sessions for cr…
The ICTSI Foundation, through the Philippine Association of Social Workers, donated face masks and face shields to the Department of Social Welfare and Development – Manila Chapter to support the social workers manning the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The donation benefits some 200 soc…
Contecon Manzanillo (CMSA) remains committed to its partner communities in the face of the pandemic.  For the past couple of months, CMSA has implemented several initiatives to extend assistance to those who need it the most. In March, CMSA donated food and essential supplies to the communities of…
The spread of COVID-19 has placed the entire world in an unprecedented situation. During this difficult time, the ability to transport cargo and deliver essential goods like food and medical supplies is one of the keys to overcoming this pandemic. Despite the restrictions, Basra Gateway Terminal (B…
ICTSI South Pacific has donated IT equipment to the Port Moresby Hospital to support the latter’s handling of COVID-19 cases while promoting telemedicine. The equipment, which consists of monitors, computers, and modems, enables the hospital to remotely monitor the Rita Flynn COVID-19 isolation fac…