Following the opening of two new berths last year, BGT East serviced its first Yang Ming vessel–YM Green. The 5,551-TEU boxship berthed at BGT East on 13 April and departed after completing 1,297 moves in 18 hours.  BGT achieved an average of 72 moves per hour during the call, due largely to the su…
Adriatic Gate Container Terminal (AGCT) recently serviced APL GWANGYANG - the largest Ocean Alliance vessel to call Port of Rijeka. With a length overall of 349.27 meters, the 10,106-TEU capacity ship is part of the Phoenician Express Service that offers an unrivaled direct link between Asia Koper,…
The Manila International Container Terminal (MICT) has started the pilot run for its disease management program for diabetic and hypertensive employees. The Hypertension and Diabetic program aims to create a supportive work environment for affected employees by helping monitor their condition and p…
​ The Management and Leadership of the Manila International Container Terminal commend the fast and decisive action of several Facilities and General Services staff, which led to the rescue of two children trapped inside a manhole.  Anders Dommestrup, MICT Executive Director & Chief Executive O…
The ICTSI Foundation, together with volunteers from Subic Bay International Terminal Corp. (SBITC) and medical professionals from the Health Education Medical Ministry, conducted a medical mission for Aeta communities in Ingalew, San Marcelino, Zambales last 27 February.  More than 300 individuals a…
  A survey among Global Corporate employees has raised concerns regarding mental health as employees reveal their struggles with anxiety and psychological stress after more than three months of remotely working from home due to the outbreak of COVID-19.  To address these issues, ICTSI has tap…
Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC) continues to support the fight against COVID-19 with a recent donation of medical supplies to three hospitals in Honduras.  Hospital of Puerto Cortés, Hospital de Gracias, and Hospital de Santa Rosa de Copán each received 66 boxes of N95 masks, 30 gallons of…
Contecon Manzanillo (CMSA) was among the Mexican companies to receive the ESR 2020 recognition at the XIII Latin American Meeting of ESR (Empresa Socialmente Responsible or Socially Responsible Companies) last May. The award, given by the Mexican Center for Philantrophy (Centro Mexicano Para La Fil…
On May 27, Subic Bay International Terminal Corp. (SBITC) conducted a webinar on how businesses can establish and adopt a comprehensive business continuity plan to manage risks and recover from disruptions, including the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.   Organized in partnership with Romarcom Inte…
Good morning, fellow stockholders, ladies and gentlemen. Although this annual meeting is to review the results and performance of the Company for 2019, the global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns prevented us from holding our scheduled physical meeting last April.  Therefore, we are almost halfway…