Turnover of the medical equipment donation to Dr. Vjekoslav Tomulić (right), MD, Department of Interventional Cardiologoy head, at KBC Rijeka   Representatives from Adriatic Gate Container Terminal turned over two Infusomat® Space volumetric infusion pumps to the Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases…
  Pakistan International Container Terminal (PICT) and Basra Gateway Terminal (BGT) teamed up recently to organize a golf tournament for clients at the Arabian Ranches Golf Club in Dubai for this year’s annual customer meet-up. The event provided clients a light-hearted and relaxing opportunity to…
Enrique K. Razon Jr. ICTSI Chairman & President  The global pandemic raged on in its second full year with cases surging at different times and lockdowns being imposed in one region or another.  In spite of this, the Company had its best year ever in 2021. In every metric, whether financial…
  Basra Gateway Terminal (BGT) continues to support nation building in Iraq through the safe and efficient handling of project cargo – this time for the Basra Water Supply Improvement Project in the cities of Basrah and Hartha. BGT unloaded 1,013 ductile iron pipes, weighing 6,373 tons in total, f…
  Contecon Manzanillo (CMSA) took delivery of two new ZPMC rubber tired gantries (RTG) last March, adding to the 23 similar units already in service at the terminal.  With an extension of up to eight containers wide and five containers high, the new equipment improves container movement across the…
Stage one of the STS operator training involves the use of an equipment simulator in preparation for the operation of an actual STS crane in stage two.   ICTSI South Pacific has commenced training for ship-to-shore (STS) crane operators in Lae as part of the preparation for the deployment of STS c…
Throughput increased 10% to 11.16 million TEUs  Revenues grew 24% to US$1.87 billion EBITDA 30% higher at US$1.14 billion   International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) reported audited consolidated financial results for 2021 with revenue from port operations of US$1.87 billion, 24 per…
TecPlata Human Resources Director Lorena Mack with other speakers at the Reflection and Awareness on the Perspectives and Challenges in Approaching Gender Equality in the Workplace conference    TecPlata hosted a conference on gender equality on March 28 in celebration of Women’s Month. Entitled “R…
  South Cotabato Integrated Port Services, Inc. (SCIPSI) has been awarded the Sixth Generation We Invest in People Platinum Status – the highest level of accreditation under the We Invest in People framework. The Sixth Generation Standard was launched in 2015 and reflects the latest workplace tren…
  Contecon Manzanillo is honored to be among the recipients of the ESR 2022 Badge after meeting the standards set by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, A.C. (CEMEFI) and the Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility.  The ESR badge is conferred yearly to leading companies in their sector for…